Fiche cheval moonlight vista

jupiter handicapR2C6plathappy valley1650 M13631412 partantsDépart 13:15
19viva popcornH59p5p7p4p7pteetan k./101:39
27turin warriorH52p7p2p6p0ppurton z./1encolure
35fearless fireH81p0p6p7p0pcurrie l./11 l
43lucky goldH53p6p6p7p2pho c.y./13/4 l
58killer instinctH54p5p6p0p0pferraris l./11/2 l
611ai oneH68p0p9p7phamelin a./1encolure
76high cloudH38p4p9p9pmcneil j./1cte tete
84millennium falconH63p6p9p6p3pbowman h./11/2 l
91kyrus unicornH69p3p0p1p5phewitson l./11 l 1/4
102copartner fionnH50p8p9p8p9pwong c./13/4 l
1112glorious loverH60p9p0p6p8ppoon m.f./1cte tete
1210moonlight vistaH30p0p0p0p0pbentley h./13 l 1/2

h. moser & cie. excellent handicapR2C6platsha tin (hong kong)1800 M23981214 partantsDépart 07:35
15s j tourbillonH48p4p0p7p3phewitson l./101:46
214woodfire broH41p4p1p6p6pleung k.c./1nez
34precise expressH60p4p1p0p1pde sousa s./1cte tete
42champion dragonH40p0p1p5p0pferraris l./1cte tete
57intrepid winnerH53p3p5p2p0pmaia r./11 l 1/4
510looking coolH54p6p4p1p2ppurton z./1ex-aequo
711hit the shotH55p4p0p0p0pbadel a./1cte tete
83romantic comboH56p4p0p1p2pborges v./1nez
91copartner elitesH48p5p2p6p2ppoon m.f./13/4 l
106entrustedH62p9p0p0p4pchadwick m./11 l 3/4
118nordic skyM59p0p0p1p5pchau c.l./11 l 3/4
129total powerH77p0p2p8p9pchan k.h./1tete
1312moonlight vistaH30p0p8p0p9pwong h.n./12 l
1413boom allianceH40p0p7p0p2pchung y.l./11 l 1/4

hing man handicapR2C8platsha tin (hong kong)1600 M23981214 partantsDépart 08:45
11looking greatH66p6p8p4p5pho c.y.33/101:34
28entrustedH69p0p0p4p7pchadwick m.42/1encolure
33powerful wingsH42p2p3p4p0pde sousa s.3.1/11/2 l
49looking coolH56p4p1p2p4ppurton z.5.6/11 l 3/4
511hit the shotH54p0p0p0p6pbadel a.13/12 l
64encounteredH33p1p0p8p0ppoon m.f.4.2/12 l 1/2
77total powerH70p2p8p9p2pchan k.h.18/12 l 1/2
86winning dragonH50p8p0p(21)5pchung y.l.36/13 l
95nordic skyM50p0p1p5p9pchau c.l.68/14 l
1013boom allianceH40p7p0p2p0phewitson l.48/15 l 1/2
112secret visionH46p1p3p3p0pbentley h.6.15/15 l 1/2
1212moonlight vistaH30p8p0p9pwong h.n.194/16 l
1314ode to joyH50p5p0p0p0pyeung m.l.51/16 l
1410pegasus generalH57p0p9p9p0pleung k.c.25/16 l

needle hill handicapR2C10platsha tin (hong kong)1400 M18938914 partantsDépart 09:10
13keefyH42p4pmoreira j3.15/1
28escape routeH40p1p2p8p5pbadel a6/1
35decryptH69p1p8p4p9phamelin a7.8/1
41captain winH54p8p2p5p2ppurton z4.3/1
2kasa papaH57pleung k c22/1
4master heroH60p0p(21)3p1pferraris l18/1
6golden linkH68p4p4p0p3pchadwick m11/1
7moonlight vistaH38p0p9pcurrie l180/1
9gallant crownH60p9p8p3p6pmo h t77/1
10super winnerH78p0p2p2p8pbentley h10/1
11encounteredH30ppoon m f134/1
12the hulkH78p6p7p7p3pmaia r31/1
13great brilliantH40plai h w236/1
14high cloudH39phewitson l45/1

kat o hoi handicapR6C1plathappy valley1650 M1893898 partantsDépart 10:45
16my ecstaticH65p1p4p0p4pleung k.c./101:38
25world famousH61p8p5p7p8phewitson l./1nez
34gift of lifelineH78p4p7p2p7pchau c.l./13/4 l
48ready player oneH50p5p3p3p7pteetan k./11 l
52beauty gloryH43p4p3p7p0ppurton z./12 l 1/2
67dr winningH56p0p3p2p6pborges v./12 l 1/2
73wealthy delightH60p(21)9p7p3pmoreira j./15 l 1/2
81moonlight vistaH30p9pbadel a./112 l

luger handicapR2C7platsha tin (hong kong)1200 M17204110 partantsDépart 08:05
17buzzingaH5Inéditteetan k./101:08
26voyage bubbleH41p2ppurton z./12 l
32the hulkH70p8p6p1p8pshinn b./11 l
44ready to winH60p1p7p(21)9pleung k.c./11/2 l
55pins princeH55p3p1p5pmoreira j./11 l 1/2
68river viewsH47p0phewitson l./11 l 1/4
710we are heroH50p5pchadwick m./12 l
83here comes tedH60p2p(21)1p2pferraris l./1encolure
99trust meH71p2p0p5pborges v./12 l
101moonlight vistaH39ppoon m.f./15 l 1/2

hing wah handicapR2C4plathappy valley1200 M17204110 partantsDépart 12:15
110seizing the momentH63p4p3p(21)4pmoreira j.3/101:09
22party warriorH51p2p(21)5p1ppurton z.2.25/11 l 1/4
39flaming passionH52p6p(21)9p1pchadwick m.12/11 l 3/4
47yo beautyH53p0p6p(21)5pborges v.6.75/11/2 l
54ka ying excellentH6(21)6p2p2p0pchau c.l.35/11 l 1/2
63equaletta blitzH66p(21)0p6p9phewitson l.28/1tete
78fauldsH49p7ppoon m.f.42/11 l 1/2
86sunset watchH77p(21)0p8p2pyeung m.l.81/11 l 3/4
91moonlight vistaH3Inéditteetan k.17/11 l 1/2
105excellent chariotH64p8p3p(21)3phamelin a.17/13 l